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4x4 Parity

by Luke Terzich 04 Nov 2024

Let's learn how to solve parity on a 4x4 Rubik's Cube using one of 5 algorithms shown below.

OLL #1

Image 1

r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2

PLL #1

Image 2

r2 U2 r2 Uw2 r2 u2

PLL #2

Image 3

L2 D Fw2 Lw2 F2 l2 F2 Lw2 Fw2 D' L2

PLL #3

Image 4

Uw2 Lw2 U2 l2 U2 Lw2 Uw2 F' U' F U F R' F2 U F U F' U' F R

PLL #4

Image 5

Uw2 Lw2 U2 l2 U2 Lw2 Uw2 R U' L U2 R' U R L' U' L U2 R' U L' U

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