Solutions (2025)

This is the introductory paragraph for the blog article, providing some context for the content below. As this is a beginners tutorial we have stuck to only using the R and L moves, however, in more advanced methods we start introducing other faces as well (such as B moves). The areas coloured...

Megaminx Last Layer Algorithms

Luke Terzich

Megaminx Last Layer - Edge Orientation F R U2 (R2' F R F') U2' F' F (U R U' R') F' F (R U R' U') F' Megaminx Last Layer - Corner Orientation F (R U2 R' U' R U' R') F' (R U R' U) (R U R' U2') (R U'...

Square-1 Parity Guide

Luke Terzich

Parity on a Square-1 is when your whole cube is solved apart from two adjacent edge pieces that just need to be switched. Note: Before performing the algorithm below, make sure the edges you want to be switched are in the bottom and right side of the top face. The algorithm is...

4x4 Beginners Guide

Luke Terzich

In this tutorial we will learn how to solve a 4x4x4 speed cube. We have split this guide into 3 easy-to-follow steps, which also include an easy-to-follow video. The walkthrough has been written for intermediate cubers who can already solve a 3x3 with the CFOP (or beginners) method. Step 1: Solve the...

4x4 Patterns

Luke Terzich

Learn how to perform some cool Rubik's Cube Patterns on your 4x4 Rubik's Cube. These cool patterns are sure to impress your friends and family. These Rubik's Cube patterns have been compiled from a list of different sources across the internet. U D' R L' F B' U D' B' M2 U2...

4x4 Last 2 Edges (Edge Flip Alg)

Luke Terzich

Learn how to solve the last 2 edges on your 4x4 with this easy-to-follow guide. We have written this guide with beginners in mind. If you struggle at any point, please do reach out to us, and we will be more than happy to help. Let's learn the 4x4 edge flip algorithm....

5x5 Patterns

Luke Terzich

Learn how to perform some cool Rubik's Cube Patterns on your 5x5 Rubik's Cube. These cool patterns are sure to impress your friends and family. These Rubik's Cube patterns have been compiled from a list of different sources across the internet. Checkerboard Rw2 Lw2 Uw2 D2 Dw2 B2 Bw2 F2 Fw2 Tri...

5x5 Last 2 Edges

Luke Terzich

One of the hardest parts for a beginner when solving the 5x5 is fixing the Last 2 Edges (L2E or also known as 5x5 parity) before we get to the 3x3 stage. Simply take your time and learn the following 12 algorithms for the 5x5 L2E. M' U' R' U R' F...

5x5 Last 2 Centers

Luke Terzich

Okay, so you've managed to solve 4 of the 6 centers on your 5x5. The next step is going to be solving the last 2 centers (L2C) without destroying the other centers. This guide has been written by KewbzUK, and we have taken different algorithms for each case from different places online...