
Megaminx Notation

The WCA Megaminx notation is the official notation set out by the World Cubing Association and is the correct notation for all official WCA scrambles. In the images below the part of the puzzle that is greyed out is the part of the puzzle which does not move. The pieces in colour are the pieces that will move when performing the D/R/U moves.

When learning the Megaminx notation you will see ++ and -- appear quite a lot. This indicates the direction that layer must be rotated. 

+ +     Clockwise
- -       Anti-Clockwise

Official Megaminx Notations

learn the megaminx notation moves

When you see a 'U' in the Megaminx notation it means to move the top most layer in a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

megaminx notation - learm the R++ and R-- notations

When you see a 'R' in the Megaminx notation it means to move the right section of the Megaminx in a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.

learn the official megaminx notation moves and algorithms

When you see a 'L' in the Megaminx notation it means to move the bottom section of the Megaminx in a clockwise or anti-clockwise rotation.