I must admit, at first I was very disappointed as the cube was very tight, turning was incredibly stiff, to the point where the inner layers would borderline not turn. However, i unscrewed a layer and took a look inside, and after reassembling it seemed to loosen a little, but this may have been a result of doing a solve. I also lubed it with xmt-10 and dnm 37, and also loosened the screws by about 2 rotations. This made the biggest difference, and now it turns very well and I can actually appreciate the magnets. (To clarify, i loosened the tensions first, then added xmt 10, did a solve, disassembled some of it, reassembled, tightened the screws fully to ensure they were evenly tensioned, loosened by two turns and lastly added dnm 37). I wouldnt recommend doing this because it is very chaotic (lol), but if you were to get it, which I can now highly recommend, I would loosen the screws by 1-3 turns, add some fast lubes, and break in. The pieces are also tiny, which means it fits easily in your hands and the glossy finish is high quality with bright and sturdy plastic. In the pictures I have compared it to a 3x3 and the juxin little magic 10x10, which is huge in comparison! The magnets are very cool and bright and it is very fun to solve.
Sorry for the super long review but i wanted to clarify that at first it is slow and rough but with the correct setup (which I mentioned above) it becomes an amazing cube. As always great service from KewbzUK, and if you are interested in big cubes then I would seriously consider this.