4x4 Notation
In cubing, "notation" refers to the system of symbols and letters used to describe moves on a cube. It allows cubers to follow along with "algorithms" (a sequence of moves that are required for switching specific pieces on a cube). Here’s an overview of the basic 4x4 notation:
Basic Notation

Double Layer Moves

The WCA doesnt use slice moves in the official scrambles/notation. However, you may find algorithms that require you to move just one of the inner slices.

Face Turns
Each letter represents a face of the cube that should be turned:
- R (Right)
- L (Left)
- U (Up)
- D (Down)
- F (Front)
- B (Back)
A letter without any additional symbols means a 90-degree clockwise turn of that face. A letter with an apostrophe (e.g., R') means a 90-degree counterclockwise turn. A letter followed by the number 2 (e.g., R2) means a 180-degree turn in either direction.
Notation Examples
- B U Uw2 Fw2 F' R2 Fw2 Rw2 Fw R Fw Uw' F2 L2 U2 : This notation represents a sequence of moves for algorithms commonly used in solving.
- R2 D2 F2: Each move here turns the respective face 180 degrees.